tirsdag 19. november 2013

Screen-printing Medusa

For the next assignment we should repeat the screen-printing process from before with an own design. I decided early on i wanted to print an own drawing, but since i had little time i knew i wouldn't be very fancy. So i chose to do only a lineart for this.

 This is the initial sketch from my sketchbook. I had no time to redraw or scan it so i traced it over my graphictablet into photoshop...

and made a clean lineart out of it.
After this we had it printed out on a transparent plastic sheet. 
The plastic sheets are used to transfer the motive on to the screen frame. The screenprinting frame was covered with a photo sensitive emulsion before. Here you can see the process of transferring via blacklight. 
Afterwards the screen is washed and a negative space of the image is left. Now we secured the screen with a bit of tape...

and began printing: 

and here is one of final products:

søndag 20. oktober 2013

Cover illustration for school catalogue

1# I made some more versions which include colour and a different font but i like this best in just black&white.



4# Although this one was thought to be more of a joke than an serious assignment. I aimed for a gangster like style, but that was hard to achieve without the usage of stereotypical symbols.(those wouldn't be good for a school assignment lol)

and my original pen drawing of the school~

tirsdag 1. oktober 2013


Some time ago our school was visited by the European School Radio. For this occasion were we given the task to design a Logo and to silk-screen print it on bags. The three examples are my drafts of which the last is the final design. 

And here is the final product in printed version:

søndag 15. september 2013

Depth & Focus

1/60 - f/4 - ISO 100

1/60 - f/4 - ISO 100

1/20 - f/20 - ISO 200

Nightmare time
1/60 - f/4 - ISO 100

1/200 -  f/5.6 - ISO 400

Movement & Exposure

1/2 - f/29 - ISO100

1/60 - f/5.6 - ISO 100

1/200 - f/5.6 - ISO1600

1/250 - f/4.5 - ISO 100

1/250 - f/5 - ISO 800

Basisinfo - Fotografi

Lukkeren(Shutter) er en mekanisme i fotoapparatet som «lukker ut lyset». Hvis Lukkeren er åpen passerer lyset gjennom på en lysfølsom film eller brikke bak den.  Tiden lukkeren er åpen kalles eksponering(Exposure).  Den vanlige tiden for lukkeren er 1/60 sekund.
Kort lukkertid slipper inn lite lys og kan kalles momentfotografi, mens lang lukkertid slipper inn mer lys og kan fange inn bevegelser over tid. Med lang lukkertid er det fare for bevegelsesuskarphet, dette kan forhindres med stativ. 

Blender eller Irisblender regulerer lysmengden som slippes inn i kameraet. På Wikipedia står det at blenderen består av et antall tynne metallblader som er montert langs en ring inne i objektivet og danner en større eller mindre lysåpning.
Blenderåpningen blir angitt som for eksempel f/1.4. «f» står for brennvidden og 1.4 for diameteren av blenderåpningen. Høgere tall betyr mindre åpning.

ISO varierer bildekvaliteten. Mindre ISO gjør høgere bildekvalitet, mer ISO gir mer korn(støy) i bildet og gjør det lettere å ta bilder i svakt lys.

Det må være en viss samspill mellom blender og lukker, så hvis man går opp i lukkertiden skulle eller kan man gå ned i størrelsen av blenderåpningen.



søndag 25. august 2013


So as an Introduction here's my life in pictures ... more or less ;)

My temporary workspace( since i moved only a week ago)



Landscape because epic :3

and a bit ..uh.. HellYeahGaming!!1

these should say enough about me for a bad first impression xD what i couldn't make photos of were my books, my dog, my porcellain thimbles and lots of pcgames T-T (that's all at home farfaraway)

Anyways if anyone wants to know more you've gotta ask. :)