tirsdag 11. februar 2014

Elliot Erwitt is amazing photographer who captures the "special little something" in his photos. 
Here's my take on this style: 

Crowned at last
 1/20 - f/5.63 - ISO 2000

Off Limits
1/30 - f/3,5 - ISO 400

The Emperor 
 1/20 - f/5.63 - ISO 2000

Modern Society
1/30 - f/3,5 - ISO 400

In the beginning i knew more or less only that i wanted the pictures to have that certain grain of story which Elliot Erwitt represents in all of his works. I wanted to capture something funny or at least strange in that black & white manner. My first and main idea was the one for the piece "Modern Society". Depicting someone prefering the floor above the use of chairs. The final outcome is pretty much exactly how i wanted it to be. Only the bulk of chairs could have been a bit bigger(which would have been hard to execute with those things). The other pictures were all experimental and quite a lot of fun.<3
All images have been heavily modified in photshop.